Alicia Feliciano de Meléndez, de 78 años, sobrevivido por su querido esposo Moisés Meléndez casados 16 años, fue llamada a su morada celestial el martes, 20 de marzo del 2018. Alicia fue la querida madre de Wanda y Edwin (Wito) López, orgullosa abuela de Daniel (Dan), Luis y Wandy; y bisabuela de Luis Jr., Raymond, Anaya y Maisy. Alicia es sobrevivida por su 13 hermanos; Araminta, Eneida, Ana Mercedes, Myrta, Secundino (Cundo), Zoraida, Myrna, Rebecca, Yolanda, Leonardo, Gustavo, Ángela, Annette y su difunto hermano que ya esta morando con el Señor, Miguel Ángel. También a Osito su mascota, le hará falta. Alicia llevo el evangelio y fue el instrumento que Dios uso para traer a familiares y amistades a su camino. Su vida fue un regalo especial y Alicia será siempre recordada en nuestros corazones.
2 de Timoteo 4:7 y 8
He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe. Por lo demás, me esta guardada la corona de justicia, la cual me dará el Señor, juez justo, en aquel día; y no solo a mi, sino también a todos los que aman su venida.
Alicia Feliciano de Meléndez, aged 78, survived by her beloved husband Moisés Meléndez of 16 years, was called home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. Alicia was the loving mother of Wanda and Edwin (Wito) López; proud grandmother of Daniel (Dan), Luis, and Wandy; great grandmother of Luis Jr., Raymond, Anaya and Maisy. Alicia is greatly cherished and will be missed by her 13 surviving siblings: Araminta, Eneida, Ana Mercedes, Myrta, Secundino (Cundo), Zoraida, Myrna, Rebecca, Yolanda, Leonardo, Gustavo, Ángela, Annette, and her deceased brother Miguel Ángel, who is already with the Lord. She will also be missed by Osito, her loving pet companion. Alicia brought the gospel and was God’s instrument in sharing the Lord with her family and friends. Alicia was a gift from God to her family and friends; she will be remembered always in our hearts.
2 Timothy 4:7an 8
I have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.