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Slone & Co Funeral Directors empowers you with a modern approach to simple cremation. Take control of the process with our hassle-free online services.
In today's digital age, simplicity and convenience are at your fingertips. Slone & Co Funeral Directors in Cleveland offers a straightforward online solution for simple cremation for all Cleveland area families.
Our online simple cremation services put you in charge, ensuring a smooth and dignified farewell for your loved one. Here's why we stand out:
We understand that times are tough for all of us. The rising prices of household necessities and other unexpected emergencies has everyone making tough decisions and stretching their dollars.
No one should have to sacrifice the care their loved one receives after they have passed away. That is why Slone & Co. Funeral Directors is proud to offer a cremation to Cleveland area families who complete the entire arrangement process online without assistance for only $950.
Not only is that the best price in the city, but you get the quality and experience of our expert staff to handle your loved one with care.
Our $950 Online Only Package includes the following:
When you choose Slone & Co Funeral Directors, you're choosing a trusted name in Cleveland area cremation and burial services. But we don’t expect you to just take our word for it, we instead encourage you to look over the 100+ online reviews from Cleveland area families like yours.
Elevate your expectations for an online simple cremation. Choose Slone & Co Funeral Directors for a dignified farewell that aligns with your preferences.